Sagamihara 相模原市
The city shares its name with the Sagami River, which originates at Mt. Fuji and snakes through the mountainous terrain into nearby Lake Sagami. The westside of the city is nestled in the valleys, where one can experience a more rural Japanese lifestyle, enjoy all the scenery and entertainment the lake has to offer, attend the Obarajuku Honjin Festival in November, and much more.
If hiking toward Mt. Fuji from Mt. Takao as Japanese people did long ago, crossing Mt. Kobotoke-Shiroyama will bring Lake Sagami into view. In the Edo era (1603–1867), more than 250 daimyo feudal lords regularly alternated between living in the capital and their domains, and the Obarajuku Honjin near Lake Sagami was the lavish inn where daimyo and their massive processions would rest. The festival held there revives the sights and sounds of Japanese history, giving you a real peek into the flourishing town Sagamihara was centuries ago as people made the long trek from Edo (today’s Tokyo) to Mt. Fuji.